Bad Luck Brian

No more braces! Gets punched in the mouth

No more braces! Gets punched in the mouth  Bad Luck Brian

finally gets to go to camp auschwitz

finally gets to go to camp auschwitz  Bad Luck Brian

finally gets a job starts on 4/20

finally gets a job starts on 4/20  Bad Luck Brian

please check, is your fridge running? fridge already 2 blocks down the street

please check, is your fridge running? fridge already 2 blocks down the street  Bad Luck Brian

Has first drink at Party.. A Heaven's Gate party

Has first drink at Party.. A Heaven's Gate party   Bad Luck Brian

Posts hopeful meme to reddit reddit crashes

Posts hopeful meme to reddit reddit crashes  Bad Luck Brian

MasturbaTES Cums in eye

MasturbaTES Cums in eye  Bad Luck Brian

given medicine for his AIDS placebo

given medicine for his AIDS placebo  Bad Luck Brian

Goes on cruise THE PERFECT STORM

Goes on cruise THE PERFECT STORM  Bad Luck Brian

Sits in exit row seat on plane for extra legroom Actually has to assist with crash landing

Sits in exit row seat on plane for extra legroom Actually has to assist with crash landing  Bad Luck Brian
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