Bad Luck Brian

wins the boston marathon completely overshadowed by bombing

wins the boston marathon completely overshadowed by bombing  Bad Luck Brian

runs in boston marathon loses both legs in explosion

runs in boston marathon loses both legs in explosion  Bad Luck Brian

finally its my cakeday! Time for free karma! Boston marathon massacre

finally its my cakeday! Time for free karma! Boston marathon massacre  Bad Luck Brian

left to die, tied up on a mountainside Is found and nurtured to health, ends up killing his father, marrying his mother and fathering four children with her, then she hangs herself and he gouges his eyes out

left to die, tied up on a mountainside Is found and nurtured to health, ends up killing his father, marrying his mother and fathering four children with her, then she hangs herself and he gouges his eyes out  Bad Luck Brian

Gives shirt off his back, grabs marathon jacket Looter

Gives shirt off his back, grabs marathon jacket Looter  Bad Luck Brian

Guy claims to be owner of bar and says drinks are on the house gets arrested for walking out on a tab

Guy claims to be owner of bar and says drinks are on the house gets arrested for walking out on a tab  Bad Luck Brian

gets a new job from Anete hyper medical and urgent text with across

gets a new job from Anete hyper medical and urgent text with across  Bad Luck Brian

"But I didn't mean to!" STRICT LIABILITY

Is left to clutch a 1 v 2 ROLLS FORWARD

Is left to clutch a 1 v 2 ROLLS FORWARD  Bad Luck Brian

makes a post to reddit that is reposted on facebook Ends up on r/terriblefacebookmemes

makes a post to reddit that is reposted on facebook Ends up on r/terriblefacebookmemes  Bad Luck Brian
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