Blonde Bitch

don't call me dumb because i'm blonde I'm dumb because i am dumb

don't call me dumb because  i'm blonde I'm dumb because i am dumb  Blonde Bitch

Tells friend that its ok to make mistakes because there is lesson behind them Tells everyone that said friend is a slut

Tells friend that its ok to make mistakes because there is  lesson behind them Tells everyone that said friend is a slut  Blonde Bitch

Arab Spring? No thanks I prefer ozarka.

Arab Spring? No thanks I prefer ozarka.  Blonde Bitch

Guy cheats, he's a slut Girl cheats, I was confused

Guy cheats, he's a slut Girl cheats, I was confused  Blonde Bitch

Hot office guy comments on my boobs. omg, so hot right now average office guy just says hi. fucking creep

Hot office guy comments on my boobs. omg, so hot right now average office guy just says hi.
fucking creep  Blonde Bitch

"I didn't cheat" it was only anal

I am blonde So speak slowly and with small words

I am blonde So speak slowly and with small words  Blonde Bitch

I'm so fat Waiting for compliments

I'm so fat Waiting for compliments  Blonde Bitch

stay out of my business! calls everytime something goes wrong

stay out of my business! calls everytime something goes wrong  Blonde Bitch

FAP? does it means fat and proud?

FAP? does it means fat and proud?  Blonde Bitch
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