Brainwashed Libertarian

you can't trust the government unaccountable private for-profit corporations, on the other hand...

you can't trust the government unaccountable private for-profit corporations, on the other hand...  Brainwashed Libertarian

Fracking? That's their liberty as individuals to do what they want on their property

Fracking? That's their liberty as individuals to do what they want on their property  Brainwashed Libertarian

Hates corporations believes in policies that would make them vastly richer

Hates corporations believes in policies that would make them vastly richer  Brainwashed Libertarian

Ron paul will defend the constitution By selling all national parks to the highest bidder

Ron paul will defend the constitution By selling all national parks to the highest bidder  Brainwashed Libertarian

Frequently Quotes Hayek What do you mean pay people even if they don't work?!

Frequently Quotes Hayek What do you mean pay people even if they don't work?!  Brainwashed Libertarian

End the privately controlled fed But privatize everything else

End the privately controlled fed But privatize everything else  Brainwashed Libertarian

loves milton friedman believes pinochet was a communist

loves milton friedman believes pinochet was a communist  Brainwashed Libertarian

Thinks blax and hispandex are too dependent on the nanny state Actually raised by a black puerto rican nanny

Thinks blax and hispandex are too dependent on the nanny state Actually raised by a black puerto rican nanny  Brainwashed Libertarian

credit default swaps? Ayn Rand

credit default swaps? Ayn Rand  Brainwashed Libertarian

lousy mortgages caused the 2008 crash? nope, too much funding for npr and epa.

lousy mortgages caused the 2008 crash? nope, too much funding for npr and epa.  Brainwashed Libertarian
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