Bro Thoughts

If the brain is a muscle should i take creatine when i study?

If the brain is a muscle should i take creatine when i study?  Bro Thoughts

It's 10 degrees outside... Tank top... or muscle shirt?

It's 10 degrees outside... Tank top...
or muscle shirt?  Bro Thoughts

Why do these nerds play Dungeons and Dragons? Sweet, my Fantasy Football team made the playoffs

Why do these nerds play Dungeons and Dragons? Sweet, my Fantasy Football team made the playoffs  Bro Thoughts

Time to blast this gangsta rap In my suburban neighborhood

Time to blast this gangsta rap In my suburban neighborhood  Bro Thoughts

I don't go on ellipticals I never passed geometry

I don't go on ellipticals I never passed geometry  Bro Thoughts

"Pain is weakness leaving the body" whoa, I just got a brain workout

Supplemental Insurance... Legit, they're paying for my whey

Supplemental Insurance... Legit, they're paying for my whey  Bro Thoughts
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