Business Dog

interesting i wall put it in the list of things that i dont care

interesting i wall put it in the list of things that i dont care  Business Dog

Stacy, Hold my Calls There is a Squirrel outside

Stacy, Hold my Calls There is a Squirrel outside  Business Dog

You go to MIT? More xls pls.

You go to MIT?  More xls pls.  Business Dog

Trevor, your power point makes no sense Can you throw me a bone here

Trevor, your power point makes no sense Can you throw me a bone here  Business Dog

Here is your guide to the US constitution

Here is your guide  to the US constitution  Business Dog

   Business Dog

I need to find a way to get a leg up on the market this quarter So I can pee on it

I need to find a way to get a leg up on the market this quarter
 So I can pee on it  Business Dog

it's a fine line between butt-sniffing and brown-nosing

it's a fine line between butt-sniffing and brown-nosing  Business Dog

Time to use my sick time It's flu and tick season

Time to use my sick time It's flu and tick season
  Business Dog

try and run a business while the system is constantly down... it's gonna be ruff

try and run a business while the system is constantly down... it's gonna be ruff  Business Dog
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