Carl Weathers

I got 99 kids Because one got shot

I got 99 kids Because one got shot  Carl Weathers

KONY 2012 we must stop this man

KONY 2012 we must stop this man  Carl Weathers

Kony 2012

 Kony 2012  Carl Weathers

Watched the Video Dude is my homie

Watched the Video Dude is my homie  Carl Weathers

I saw the movie . . . Guy's my Homeboy!

I saw the movie . . . Guy's my Homeboy!  Carl Weathers

Haters gonna hate

Haters gonna hate  Carl Weathers

I WANT YOU! to kill your parents and join my army

I WANT YOU! to kill your parents and join my army  Carl Weathers

gooby pls

gooby pls   Carl Weathers

Joseph Kony Proving since 2012 that dumb Americans will make you famous

Joseph Kony Proving since 2012 that dumb Americans will make you famous  Carl Weathers

Baby you've got a stew going.

Baby  you've got a stew going.  Carl Weathers
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