College Conservative

Thinks people who use illegal drugs are morally inferior drinks underage every weekend

Thinks people who use illegal drugs are morally inferior drinks underage every weekend    College Conservative

Didn't get into Ivy league school blames affirmative action

Didn't get into Ivy league school blames affirmative action  College Conservative

"Illegal immigrants are lazy" "We need to stop illegals from taking American jobs"

First wife doesn't care that he's going bald kills herself when he shows up on to catch a predator 20 years later

First wife doesn't care that he's going bald kills herself when he shows up on to catch a predator 20 years later  College Conservative

pro-life thinks prison rape is funny

pro-life thinks prison rape is funny  College Conservative

pro-life pro-death penalty

pro-life pro-death penalty  College Conservative

"liberals always play the race card whenever i criticize obama" calls people anti-semites whenever they criticize anything israel does

against welfare except from parents

against welfare except from parents  College Conservative

Complains because he can't get a car park on campus Has private apartment opposite campus

Complains because he can't get a car park  on campus Has private apartment opposite campus  College Conservative

"universal suffrage is immoral." wait guys i was kidding

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