College Freshman

due to all the credits I have I'm technically a sophomore

due to all the credits I have I'm technically a sophomore  College Freshman

Takes first final exam Shits himself

Takes first final exam Shits himself  College Freshman

Starts Presentation "This is my presentation."

Starts Presentation

participates in no-shave november noone notices

participates in no-shave november noone notices  College Freshman

goes to uganda to help the cause dies

goes to uganda to help the cause dies  College Freshman

"We have so much alcohol in our dorm room" "if we combined it all, it would be, like, 6000 proof"

I'm into some weird stuff now, man. Ever heard of The Dave Matthews Band?

I'm into some weird stuff now, man. Ever heard of The Dave Matthews Band?  College Freshman

Acts like lazy college senior fails out after first semester

Acts like lazy college senior fails out after first semester  College Freshman

Boils water sets off fire alarm

Boils water sets off fire alarm  College Freshman

"yeah dude I totally love death metal" "have you ever heard of dragonforce?"

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