College Liberal

is pro choice her face is contraception enough Caption 3 goes here

is pro choice her face is contraception enough Caption 3 goes here  College Liberal

Thinks women have the right to choose "Men should be forced to pay child support."

Thinks women have the right to choose

being stoned to death? doesn't sound too bad to me

being stoned to death? doesn't sound too bad to me  College Liberal

Exploring new perspectives and concepts Must live up to unrealistic standards of intellectual consistency

Exploring new perspectives and concepts Must live up to unrealistic standards of intellectual consistency  College Liberal

i only ride my bike too many dui's

i only ride my bike too many dui's  College Liberal

"If we had stricter gun laws people would stop killing each other" smokes pot

Recycle, reduce, reuse and legalize pot

Recycle, reduce, reuse and legalize pot  College Liberal

Believes in women equality Wants you to open door for her and pay for bills at all times

Believes in women equality Wants you to open door for her and pay for bills at all times  College Liberal

Hates Religion Goes to DePaul.

Hates Religion Goes to DePaul.  College Liberal

Opposes monopoly power Thinks the state should be the sole provider of justice and security services

Opposes monopoly power Thinks the state should be the sole provider of justice and security services  College Liberal
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