Condescending Wonka

oh you say Hunger Games is just a Battle Royale copy tell me more about all the unique plots in Hollywood

oh you say Hunger Games is just a Battle Royale copy tell me more about all the unique plots in Hollywood  Condescending Wonka

oh, you have a tear drop tattoo? you must be so gangster

oh, you have a tear drop tattoo? you must be so gangster  Condescending Wonka

Oh, happy 29th birthday! Please, go on about how your best days are still ahead of you.

Oh, happy 29th birthday! Please, go on about how your best days are still ahead of you.  Condescending Wonka

You wear a ramones t-shirt aND Doc martens? Tell me all about how you've always been into punk rock...

You wear a ramones t-shirt aND Doc martens? Tell me all about how you've always been into punk rock...  Condescending Wonka

Oh you wear slutty Hollister clothes to a Taylor Swift concert? You're so country

Oh you wear slutty Hollister clothes to a Taylor Swift concert? You're so country  Condescending Wonka

Oh, I shouldn't drink diet soda because you say aspartame is carcinogenic? You must be heading some revolutionary new study

Oh, I shouldn't drink diet soda because you say aspartame is carcinogenic? You must be heading some revolutionary new study  Condescending Wonka

Oh, your good at fantasy football? Tell me again how you traded Arian Foster for Beanie Wells

Oh, your good at fantasy football? Tell me again how you traded Arian Foster for Beanie Wells  Condescending Wonka

So Rainbeau men only use Black women for sex? please tell me more about the low OOW birthrate in your community

So Rainbeau men only use Black women for sex? please tell me more about the low OOW birthrate in your community  Condescending Wonka

That sure is a nice puppy you've got there. I'd hate to see anything happen to it.

That sure is a nice puppy you've got there. I'd hate to see anything happen to it.  Condescending Wonka

Oh, you're Associate? Please tell me about you CHB W WHGR INST MID-RARE x TOAST x k x S TOP-BUN CHILLIES 1/2

Oh, you're Associate? Please tell me about you CHB W WHGR INST MID-RARE x TOAST x k x S TOP-BUN CHILLIES 1/2  Condescending Wonka
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