Confession Bear

Everytime I see those child donation commercials I think "stop having kids you poor assholes..."

Everytime I see those child donation commercials I think

I cant wait for the old generations to die So then we can make advances in society

I cant wait for the old generations to die So then we can make advances in society  Confession Bear

When I heard Lil' Wayne was in stable condition from his seizures I was actually upset that he would still be able to make "music".

When I heard Lil' Wayne was in stable condition from his seizures I was actually upset that he would still be able to make

I think that bacon is completely overrated.

I think that bacon is completely overrated.   Confession Bear

I'm sad because my post made it to the front page yesterday, and now I feel like I'll never do that well again.

I'm sad because my post made it to the front page yesterday, and now I feel like I'll never do that well again.  Confession Bear

As an ASOIAF fan I have to admit I care more about the lives of the people in the books than those in real life

As an ASOIAF fan I have to admit I care more about the lives of the people in the books than those in real life  Confession Bear

The first time I found pictures of my sister I jerked off to them that night

The first time I found pictures of my sister I jerked off to them that night  Confession Bear

I sometimes pee in the sink

I sometimes  pee in the sink  Confession Bear

I read /r/ihaveissues To make me feel better about my life

I read /r/ihaveissues To make me feel better about my life  Confession Bear

If you use this meme i automatically assume you're karma whoring

If you use this meme i automatically assume you're karma whoring  Confession Bear
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