Confession Bear

My dad is a doctor and would always say how HMOs are ruining America I told my entire 5th grade class he hated homosexuals and he got called a bigot by a dad in my Cub Scouts Pack

My dad is a doctor and would always say how HMOs are ruining America I told my entire 5th grade class he hated homosexuals and he got called a bigot by a dad in my Cub Scouts Pack  Confession Bear

When a friend ask me to use the computer to show me some videos I wont let them because I cant stand how slow they are when it comes to searching for videos or information or using the actual OS

When a friend ask me to use the computer to show me some videos I wont let them because I cant stand how slow they are when it comes to searching for videos or information or using the actual OS  Confession Bear

I watched the Twilight movies

 I watched the Twilight movies  Confession Bear

I like skrillex

I like skrillex  Confession Bear

When I ask you for a source, I am politely calling you a liar.

When I ask you for a source, I am politely calling you a liar.  Confession Bear

I downvote comments based on opinion

I downvote comments
 based on opinion  Confession Bear

I don't care to try anal

I don't care  to try anal   Confession Bear

I don't really care About tesla.

I don't really care About tesla.  Confession Bear

I really like Atheists

I really like Atheists  Confession Bear

I don't like the summer Olympics. As much as I like the winter Olympics

I don't like the summer Olympics. As much as I like the winter Olympics   Confession Bear
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