Confession Bear

I get off on being a good person

I get off on being a good person  Confession Bear

I don't upvote gifs Because they take too long to load

I don't upvote gifs Because they take too long to load  Confession Bear

if a post has been on the front page all day I downvote so new content gets there faster

if a post has been on the front page all day I downvote so new content gets there faster  Confession Bear

I Get Mitt

I Get Mitt  Confession Bear

I don't really shower unless i've to go out

I don't really shower unless i've to go out  Confession Bear

When people I really like do an ama, I downvote valid questions to make my question more appealing

When people I really like do an ama, I downvote valid questions to make my question more appealing  Confession Bear

I sometimes share other peoples posted Facebook articles but I don't always read anything except the Headline

I sometimes share other peoples posted Facebook articles but I don't always read anything except the Headline  Confession Bear

I've made the front page with a repost twice

I've made the front page with a repost twice  Confession Bear

I don't believe any front page stories anymore

I don't believe any front page stories anymore  Confession Bear

i prefer corn flakes with sugar over frosted flakes

i prefer corn flakes with sugar over frosted flakes  Confession Bear
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