Confession Bear

i only registered on your website because you make people log in to see nsfw stuff

i only registered on your website because you make people log in to see nsfw stuff  Confession Bear

sometimes when i poop i pretend i'm laying eggs

sometimes when i poop i pretend i'm laying eggs  Confession Bear

I only know Honey Boo boo As a reference

I only know Honey Boo boo As a reference  Confession Bear

I don't know, or care what gangnam style is

I don't know, or care what gangnam style is  Confession Bear

Life is full of such melancholy that's why i'm a bear.

Life is full of such melancholy that's why i'm a bear.  Confession Bear

i care about karma a lot

i care about karma a lot  Confession Bear

I always downvote abused animal pics Because they depress the fuck out of me

I always downvote abused animal pics Because they depress the fuck out of me  Confession Bear

laina's oag face scares the shit out of me

laina's oag face scares the shit out of me  Confession Bear

I only like rap for the chorus

I only like rap  for the  chorus  Confession Bear

I instantly upvote Any post that asks to not be upvoted

I instantly upvote Any post that asks to not be upvoted  Confession Bear
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