Confession Bear

the only reason i got on r/trees was to see the message bag of weed full

the only reason i got on r/trees was to see the message bag of weed full  Confession Bear

I Don't find half the girls On /r/gonewild attractive

I Don't find half the girls On /r/gonewild attractive  Confession Bear

i facebook search dead people so i can see the last post they left online

i facebook search dead people so i can see the last post they left online  Confession Bear

I don't get Why this meme is so popular

I don't get Why this meme is so popular  Confession Bear

I can't talk about fight club Because, I've never seen it

I can't talk about fight club Because, I've never seen it  Confession Bear

I use the College Freshman meme so i know what to avoid doing in college

I use the College Freshman meme so i know what to avoid doing in college  Confession Bear

I'm really looking forward to 12/21/12 cult suicides

I'm really looking forward to 12/21/12 cult suicides  Confession Bear

An older female neighbor forced me to have sex with her several times when I was 8 She remains a family friend 'til this day and doesn't know that I remember everything that happened

An older female neighbor forced me to have sex with her several times when I was 8 She remains a family friend 'til this day and doesn't know that I remember everything that happened  Confession Bear

I really like the more depressing confession Because all of your depressing confessions make me feel better about myself

I really like the more depressing confession Because all of your depressing confessions make me feel better about myself  Confession Bear

met girl off internet for sex found out she was my cousin the day after

met girl off internet for sex found out she was my cousin the day after  Confession Bear
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