Disaster Girl

Have you seen my bear tibbers?

Have you seen my bear tibbers?   Disaster Girl

bitch wouldn't give me a cookie... ... i showed her

bitch wouldn't give me a cookie... ... i showed her  Disaster Girl

I'll burn this house down No need for walls now

I'll burn this house down No need for walls now  Disaster Girl

They took my candles during a health and safety check I took their health and safety

They took my candles during a health and safety check I took their health and safety  Disaster Girl

They said i didn't understand life so i took theirs

They said i didn't understand life so i took theirs  Disaster Girl

vecinul punea manele punea

vecinul punea manele punea  Disaster Girl

ellos dijeron que lana del rey era Indie fuck you Caption 3 goes here

ellos dijeron que lana del rey era Indie fuck you Caption 3 goes here  Disaster Girl

My neighbor likes Daddy Yankee So I gave her gasolina

My neighbor likes Daddy Yankee             So I gave her gasolina  Disaster Girl

regret a term used by those who can't repress

regret a term used by those who can't repress   Disaster Girl

She said she didn't hear her phone I didn't hear her screams

She said she didn't hear her phone I didn't hear her screams  Disaster Girl
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