Emotionally Retarded Software Developer

treats twitter like tumblr Jaffe

treats twitter like tumblr Jaffe  Emotionally Retarded Software Developer

schedule? it's done when it's done

schedule? it's done when it's done  Emotionally Retarded Software Developer

Japanese Games Suck! Love, Phil Fish

Japanese Games Suck! Love, Phil Fish  Emotionally Retarded Software Developer

Has one suit and tie Hasn't worn them since Prom

Has one suit and tie Hasn't worn them since Prom  Emotionally Retarded Software Developer

DLC? Disk locked content

DLC? Disk locked content  Emotionally Retarded Software Developer

free industry T-shirts? nonstop wardrobe staple

free industry T-shirts? nonstop wardrobe staple  Emotionally Retarded Software Developer

Games Development is nothing but unfullfilling hard work and you won't enjoy it. Works At Infinity Ward.

Games Development is nothing but unfullfilling hard work and you won't enjoy it. Works At Infinity Ward.  Emotionally Retarded Software Developer

I'm CliffyB The Tony Stark of the video game industry

I'm CliffyB The Tony Stark of the video game industry  Emotionally Retarded Software Developer

Has a Japan fetish Marries first Asian girl he dates Caption 3 goes here

Has a Japan fetish Marries first Asian girl he dates Caption 3 goes here  Emotionally Retarded Software Developer

Does not see the purpose of footwear Walks around the office barefoot

Does not see the purpose of footwear Walks around the office barefoot  Emotionally Retarded Software Developer
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