Engineering Professor

Ask complex question with only a tiny part not totally accurate Answer: "no"

Ask complex question with only a tiny part not totally accurate Answer:

Anesthesia It means lack of thesia

Anesthesia It means lack of thesia  Engineering Professor

Welcome to my class Where anything goes and the points don't matter

Welcome to my class Where anything goes and the points don't matter  Engineering Professor

Only two minutes of class and 20 more slides to go done

Only two minutes of class and 20 more slides to go done  Engineering Professor

This is Microsoft's business model. But first, let me tell you about why Wall Street is destroying America

This is Microsoft's business model. But first, let me tell you about why Wall Street is destroying America  Engineering Professor

9% success rate on an exam problem Blames students

9% success rate on an exam problem Blames students  Engineering Professor

Friend enrolls you in text response class... You drop out second day

Friend enrolls you in text response class... You drop out second day  Engineering Professor

"University understaffed" no one works more than twice a week

Exam average is 26% Not my fault, study more

Exam average is 26% Not my fault, study more  Engineering Professor

Problem Sets due every day never hands back

Problem Sets due every day never hands back  Engineering Professor
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