Engineering Professor

can derive advanced quantum mechanics equations unable to use microsoft word

can derive advanced quantum mechanics equations unable to use microsoft word  Engineering Professor

Solves two steps of exercise "You know what to do from here"

Solves two steps of exercise

promises to post grades today posts grades next week

promises to post grades today posts grades next week  Engineering Professor

I dont believe in extra credit Unless you show up to one of my poorly-attended history club events.

I dont believe in extra credit Unless you show up to one of my poorly-attended history club events.  Engineering Professor

Last day of instruction in the quarter teaches new subject that will be on final

Last day of instruction in the quarter teaches new subject that will be on final  Engineering Professor

Come on guys, It's not rocket science it is BULLSHIT

Come on guys, It's not rocket science it is BULLSHIT
  Engineering Professor

Has been studying math for 20 years. Expects you to learn it in one class period

Has been studying math for 20 years. Expects you to learn it in one class period  Engineering Professor

preparing for final find out about quickmeme

preparing for final find out about quickmeme  Engineering Professor

Dead week? Perfect time for a midterm and a quiz

Dead week? Perfect time for a midterm and a quiz  Engineering Professor

only 2 minutes left of class? i better start teaching the most important thing of the year!

only 2 minutes left of class? i better start teaching the most important thing of the year!  Engineering Professor
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