Engineering Professor

compliments on how smart you are fails you

compliments on how smart you are fails you  Engineering Professor

two PhDs can't staple right side of handout

two PhDs  can't staple right side of handout  Engineering Professor

plans thur night? lol

plans thur night? lol  Engineering Professor

keep trying I DONT CARE

keep trying I DONT CARE  Engineering Professor

complicates the shit outta everything

complicates the shit outta everything  Engineering Professor

incists you to read ahead in book never catches up to syllabus in the end

incists you to read ahead in book never catches up to syllabus in the end  Engineering Professor

No son problemas difíciles Solo son talachudos

No son problemas difíciles Solo son  talachudos  Engineering Professor

mandatory lab 0 credits

mandatory lab 0 credits  Engineering Professor

ai liber qe keni ju nuk ben Duhet te bleni ate librin tjeter ku eshte emri im aty

ai liber qe keni ju nuk ben Duhet te bleni ate librin tjeter ku eshte emri im aty  Engineering Professor

I don't always take attendance... but when i do, i won't tell you.

I don't always take attendance... but when i do, i won't tell you.  Engineering Professor
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