Ernst pwn

Parents offer to take on vacation Gives them an ultimatum

Parents offer to take on vacation Gives them an ultimatum  Ernst pwn

Picks Jigglypuff in Smash Bros Still pwns

Picks Jigglypuff in Smash Bros Still pwns   Ernst pwn

Ping pong ball bounces off edge of table Returns for the win

Ping pong ball bounces off edge of table Returns for the win  Ernst pwn

Shares Xbox controller during Halo Still wins

Shares Xbox controller during Halo Still wins  Ernst pwn

Kevin goes to academy They still miss me

Kevin goes to academy They still miss me  Ernst pwn

Owns any game with a paddle/racket Doesn't suck at anything else to balance it out

Owns any game with a paddle/racket Doesn't suck at anything else to balance it out  Ernst pwn

Doesn't run for Prom King Gets voted onto Prom Court anyways

Doesn't run for Prom King Gets voted onto Prom Court anyways  Ernst pwn
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