Evil Plotting Raccoon

submit a repost claim it's from the random imgur letter game

submit a repost claim it's from the random imgur letter game  Evil Plotting Raccoon

I'll Ask for a cup for water and fill it up with soda

I'll Ask for a cup for water and fill it up with soda  Evil Plotting Raccoon


Soon...   Evil Plotting Raccoon

I'll put the punchline in the title

I'll put the punchline in the title   Evil Plotting Raccoon

waited all week for this let the weekend begin!

waited all week for this let the weekend begin!  Evil Plotting Raccoon

Good. ....good

Good. ....good  Evil Plotting Raccoon

Just wrapped present for successful black man A new ferrari to make him late every day for work when he gets pulled over

Just wrapped present for successful black man A new ferrari to make him late every day for work when he gets pulled over  Evil Plotting Raccoon

Lockdown? good. They'll all die of boredom

Lockdown?  good. They'll all die of boredom  Evil Plotting Raccoon

Make a rage comic Not a true story

Make a rage comic Not a true story  Evil Plotting Raccoon

just wrapped present for advice god Science book

just wrapped present for 
advice god Science book  Evil Plotting Raccoon
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