First Day On Internet Kid

I made a joke about something taboo Karma please

I made a joke about something taboo Karma please  First Day On Internet Kid

Hey guys I found a video in which neil degrasse tyson says we should double NASa's budget

Hey guys I found a video in which neil degrasse tyson says we should double NASa's budget  First Day On Internet Kid

r/atheism? They need to know we're not all fundies!

r/atheism? They need to know we're not all fundies!  First Day On Internet Kid

Internet Explorer? That's me!

Internet Explorer? That's me!  First Day On Internet Kid

Let's do it let's do a meme

Let's do it let's do a meme  First Day On Internet Kid

My best friend thought this was funny... Reddit will too!

My best friend thought this was funny... Reddit will too!  First Day On Internet Kid

people browse reddit at work? they must be okay browsing NSFW material then because the corporate world makes total fucking sense

people browse reddit at work?  they must be okay browsing NSFW material then because the corporate world makes total fucking sense  First Day On Internet Kid

I hate youngster joey maybe r/pokemon does as well

I hate youngster joey maybe r/pokemon does as well  First Day On Internet Kid

Hey there's a swear word Better mark it nsfw

Hey there's a swear word Better mark it nsfw  First Day On Internet Kid

Hey r/atheism, I found this hilarious webcomic It's called Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal

Hey r/atheism, I found this hilarious webcomic It's called Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal  First Day On Internet Kid
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