First World Problems

Put too much ice in my clean drinking water Cant drink refreshing cold water cause it hurts my teeth

Put too much ice in my clean drinking water Cant drink refreshing cold water cause it hurts my teeth  First World Problems

I asked the waiter for Sprite. She brought me Sierra Mist instead...

I asked the waiter for Sprite. She brought me Sierra Mist instead...  First World Problems

My calves are sore From walking the beach for a whole week

My calves are sore From walking the beach for a whole week  First World Problems

I have to manually start my car because i don't have a remote car starter

I have to manually start my car because i don't have a remote car starter  First World Problems

My facebook got hacked again

My facebook got hacked again  First World Problems

The Bottom of my foot itches But it tickles when I scratch it

The Bottom of my foot itches But it tickles when I scratch it  First World Problems

I want to make a sandwich But the only pieces of bread left are end pieces

I want to make a sandwich But the only pieces of bread left are end pieces  First World Problems

I drank my milk too fast To dunk all the cookies I grabbed.

I drank my milk too fast To dunk all the cookies I grabbed.  First World Problems

The automatic flush was too quick couldn't admire my magnificent poop

The automatic flush was too quick couldn't admire my magnificent poop  First World Problems

hit 10,000 tweets and forgot to tweet about it

hit 10,000 tweets and forgot to tweet about it  First World Problems
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