First World Problems

I don't have any Witty or stupid Facebook friends

I don't have any Witty or stupid Facebook friends  First World Problems

I have free time at college the internet is too slow for me to browse reddit peacefully

I have free time at college the internet is too slow for me to browse reddit peacefully   First World Problems

I went to plug in my usb and I had to flip it over

I went to plug in my usb and I had to flip it over  First World Problems

I have to wake up early For my free education

I have to wake up early For my free education  First World Problems

i wanted to ask barack obama a question on his ama but i was on the other side of the planet when it was on

i wanted to ask barack obama a question on his ama but i was on the other side of the planet when it was on  First World Problems

Had to get a blood test, Now I can't fap because my arm hurts too much.

Had to get a blood test, Now I can't fap because my arm hurts too much.  First World Problems

I spent $1400 On an $800 computer

I spent $1400 On an $800 computer  First World Problems

i accidently made a self post it had 900 karma

i accidently made a self post it had 900 karma   First World Problems

Went to work with a headache because I was up too late playing video games

Went to work with a headache because I was up  too late playing video games  First World Problems

I forgot to ask for ketchup at the drive-through Now I have to go to the fridge and use my bottle of ketchup

I forgot to ask for ketchup at the drive-through Now I have to go to the fridge and use my bottle of ketchup  First World Problems
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