First World Problems

My Sonicare toothbrush isn't charged I have to brush my teeth manually

My Sonicare toothbrush isn't charged I have to brush my teeth manually  First World Problems

Steak and Blowjob day isn't special Because I get blowjobs every day

Steak and Blowjob day isn't special Because I get blowjobs every day  First World Problems

I want to use my phone in bed But the screen won't stop tilting

I want to use my phone in bed But the screen won't stop tilting  First World Problems

Manager moved our daily meeting time up Now it's at the same time as my morning poop

Manager moved our daily meeting time up Now it's at the same time as my morning poop  First World Problems

I need to go to the shops for cigarettes But the two minute walk takes twice as long when its windy

I need to go to the shops for cigarettes But the two minute walk takes twice as long when its windy  First World Problems

My new washer and dryer are so quiet That I can't hear them and have to get up to check when they're done

My new washer and dryer are so quiet That I can't hear them and have to get up to check when they're done  First World Problems

Have everything for an awesome breakfast too hungover to make it

Have everything for an awesome breakfast too hungover to make it  First World Problems

Want to watch the good parts of Deep Space Nine Have to make it through the first few seasons

Want to watch the good parts of Deep Space Nine Have to make it through the first few seasons  First World Problems

The Smoke from my blunt burns my eys.

The Smoke from my blunt burns my eys.  First World Problems

It never got cold enough to wear all my winter coats

It never got cold enough to wear all my winter coats  First World Problems
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