Forever Alone

my friend will deliver the punchline

my friend will deliver the punchline   Forever Alone

Buys a life size girl doll for a girlfriend She cheats on me

Buys a life size girl doll for a girlfriend She cheats on me  Forever Alone

Eram asa fericiti impreuna Pana cand a zis "Pa Mihai"

Eram asa fericiti impreuna Pana cand a zis

Grabs Dick Only feels hand

Grabs Dick Only feels hand  Forever Alone

Have an imaginary friend Gets mad at you and commits suicide

Have an imaginary friend Gets mad at you and commits suicide  Forever Alone

Low Battery It must be Sunday again.

Low Battery It must be Sunday again.  Forever Alone

had a date last week found it in grandma's pantry

had a date last week found it in grandma's pantry  Forever Alone

nobody on gamefaqs likes my comic forever alone

nobody on gamefaqs likes my comic forever alone  Forever Alone

Rejected! forever alone

Rejected! forever alone  Forever Alone

Hacks own FB status No one likes.

Hacks own FB status No one likes.   Forever Alone
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