Freshman Cross Country Runner

Sprint ahead of Varisty during hill repeats DIE

Sprint ahead of Varisty during hill repeats DIE  Freshman Cross Country Runner

Wins the first mile DIES

Wins the first mile DIES  Freshman Cross Country Runner

makes goal not to die DIEs

makes goal not to die DIEs  Freshman Cross Country Runner

Gets clear instructions from coach about his route Gets Lost

Gets clear instructions from coach about his route Gets Lost  Freshman Cross Country Runner

wins cool down dies

wins cool down dies  Freshman Cross Country Runner


FUCK THIS  Freshman Cross Country Runner

RUNS shirtless during practice Coach kills him

RUNS shirtless during practice Coach kills him  Freshman Cross Country Runner

Shows up to first day of practice wearing Vibrams PUSHUPS!

Shows up to first day of practice wearing Vibrams PUSHUPS!  Freshman Cross Country Runner

Leads the first mile dies

Leads the first mile dies  Freshman Cross Country Runner

first year of xc qualifies for state

first year of xc qualifies for state  Freshman Cross Country Runner
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