GGG plays SC

Brings fish to work for lunch Eats it cold so break room doesn't stink

Brings fish to work for lunch Eats it cold so break room doesn't stink   GGG plays SC

hears tones before shift starts offers to run it for you

hears tones before shift starts offers to run it for you  GGG plays SC

taking turns on console passes controller before being asked

taking turns on console passes controller before being asked  GGG plays SC

Gives you an eighth of Og for $30 to get your lazy ass up and exercise

Gives you an eighth of Og for $30  to get your lazy ass up and exercise  GGG plays SC

murders 90 people in cold blood office max employees

murders 90 people in cold blood office max employees  GGG plays SC

Browses reddit in class zooms in for all to see

Browses reddit in class zooms in for all to see  GGG plays SC

Shows up late to popular thread. ctrl-f sees his comment is posted already and upvotes other user instead of posting "came here to say this"

Shows up late to popular thread. ctrl-f  sees his comment is posted already and upvotes other user instead of posting

Knocks down Rosehill in fight Picks him up and sets him before continuing the fight

Knocks down Rosehill in fight Picks him up and sets him before continuing the fight  GGG plays SC

sees you eyeing his bong lets you hit it with his fresh bud

sees you eyeing his bong  lets you hit it with his fresh bud  GGG plays SC

Notices you have an ash tray full of half smoked joints cleans out and wipes down entire ash tray area and replaces joints, smiles and winks as he hands you the keys back

Notices you have an ash tray full of half smoked joints cleans out and wipes down entire ash tray area and replaces joints, smiles and winks as he hands you the keys back  GGG plays SC
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