Gaming Gopher

get to tali sex scene restart game thinking you accidentally pressed a button

get to tali sex scene restart game thinking you accidentally pressed a button  Gaming Gopher

People worse than me are noobs people better than me are no lives and hackers

People worse than me are noobs people better than me are no lives and hackers  Gaming Gopher

Gets killed Fucking hackers

Gets killed Fucking hackers  Gaming Gopher

Battlefield sucks, it ripped off call of duty has never played battlefield

Battlefield sucks, it ripped off call of duty has never played battlefield  Gaming Gopher

Girlfriend walks in. what have you been doing since 8am? Saving the world!

Girlfriend walks in. what have you been doing since 8am? Saving the world!  Gaming Gopher

takes a shit at work plays tetris with the floor tiles

takes a shit at work plays tetris with the floor tiles  Gaming Gopher

calls no screen peeking screen peeks

calls no screen peeking screen peeks  Gaming Gopher

DUDE My brother has like a pound of weed.

DUDE My brother has like a pound of weed.  Gaming Gopher

doesn't like decision Revert to save

doesn't like decision  Revert to save  Gaming Gopher

check Game's Achievements for beating it on hardest difficulty if none, play on easy

check Game's Achievements for beating it on hardest difficulty if none, play on easy  Gaming Gopher
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