Gay Bro

Wanna grill out, bro? Bro, just give me the meat

Wanna grill out, bro? Bro, just give me the meat  Gay Bro

Why get a bra off with one hand When you can get two brahs off with two

Why get a bra off with one hand When you can get two brahs off with two  Gay Bro

Can i get that polo? nah bro this shit's couture

Can i get that polo? nah bro
this shit's couture  Gay Bro

Wanna grill out, bro? As long as I get some meat

Wanna grill out, bro? As long as I get some meat  Gay Bro

You still with Chase? Cuz I seen you on Grindr!

You still with Chase? Cuz I seen you on Grindr!  Gay Bro

Don't do me like that bro Do me like this (_)_)==D (_o_)

Don't do me like that bro Do me like this 
(_)_)==D (_o_)  Gay Bro

Favorite TV Show? The Rachel Bro Project

Favorite TV Show? The Rachel Bro Project  Gay Bro

why get bras off with one hand, when you can get bros off with one hand?

why get bras off with one hand, when you can get bros off with one hand?  Gay Bro

too many dudes? no such thing, bro

too many dudes? no such thing, bro  Gay Bro

Philanthropy: Have a meating in my mancave.

Philanthropy: Have a meating in my mancave.  Gay Bro
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