Good Advice Duck

want your gf to have more sex with you? stop giving her crap about reading Cosmo

want your gf to have more sex with you? stop giving her crap about reading Cosmo  Good Advice Duck

Want to get rid of that annoying sound in you car? Open the door and push her out

Want to get rid of that annoying sound in you car? Open the door and push her out  Good Advice Duck

Want to make the frontpage? Repost

Want to make the frontpage? Repost  Good Advice Duck

Around others and need to fart discreetly? Pull one of your buttcheecks apart from other and it will be almost silent

Around others and need to fart discreetly? Pull one of your buttcheecks apart from other and it will be almost silent  Good Advice Duck

when masturbating in the shower run the water a little bit colder, your semen won't clump up

when masturbating in the shower run the water a little bit colder, your semen won't clump up   Good Advice Duck

Don't want jehovah witnesses showing up at your door? Answer the door naked

Don't want jehovah witnesses 
showing up at your door? Answer the door naked  Good Advice Duck

Wear your biggest clothes when traveling That way you'll have room for more items in your suitcase

Wear your biggest clothes when traveling  That way you'll have room for more items in your suitcase  Good Advice Duck

This Meme Is stupid

This Meme Is stupid  Good Advice Duck

If you're not being awkward you're not being yourself.

If you're not being awkward you're not being yourself.  Good Advice Duck

Clever Memes get single posts helpful ones travel in groups for validity

Clever Memes get single posts helpful ones travel in groups for validity  Good Advice Duck
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