Good Guy VHS

Lets you fall asleep watching a movie Doesn't wake you up with loud, repetitive menus

Lets you fall asleep watching a movie Doesn't wake you up with loud, repetitive menus  Good Guy VHS

Becomes popular meme Helps you believe that reddit isn't completely made up of 10 year olds

Becomes popular meme Helps you believe that reddit isn't completely made up of 10 year olds  Good Guy VHS

Hasn't been played in 15 years Remembers where you left off.

Hasn't been played in 15 years Remembers where you left off.  Good Guy VHS

has previews Lets you fast forward through them

has previews Lets you fast forward through them  Good Guy VHS

Lets you fast forward through fbi warning

Lets you fast forward through fbi warning  Good Guy VHS

gets a scratch doesn't skip and then stop playing

gets a scratch doesn't skip and then stop playing  Good Guy VHS

Still has my pokemon episodes With 90's commercials

Still has my pokemon episodes With 90's commercials  Good Guy VHS

Plays Star Wars A New Hope Confirms Han shot first

Plays Star Wars A New Hope Confirms Han shot first  Good Guy VHS

Used to cost $30 Actually had $30 dollars worth of material and labor put into it

Used to cost $30 Actually had $30 dollars worth of material and labor put into it  Good Guy VHS

Comes with shitty movie lets you Tape over hole and record something better

Comes with shitty movie  lets you Tape over hole and record something better  Good Guy VHS
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