Good Luck Gary

Sleeps in late and misses his flight American Airlines Flight 11

Sleeps in late and misses his flight American Airlines Flight 11  Good Luck Gary

finished shitting just as girlfriend came over

finished shitting just as girlfriend came over  Good Luck Gary

Farts in class hot girl thinks it's cute

Farts in class hot girl thinks it's cute  Good Luck Gary

Girlfriend wants to talk Can Sleep with eyes open

Girlfriend wants to talk Can Sleep with eyes open  Good Luck Gary

runs a marathon with ridiculously photogenic guy

runs a marathon with ridiculously photogenic guy  Good Luck Gary

Forgets to set alarm Labor day

Forgets to set alarm Labor day  Good Luck Gary

   Good Luck Gary

first day at new job ges promoted

first day at new job ges promoted  Good Luck Gary

On vacation and misses school School shooting kills 50 students

On vacation and misses school School shooting kills 50 students  Good Luck Gary

christmas trees scantron gets a

christmas trees scantron gets a  Good Luck Gary
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