
apologizes for the creation justin beiber isnt really their fault

apologizes for the creation justin beiber isnt really their fault  GoodGuyGreg

First post Doesn't put it in the title

First post Doesn't put it in the title  GoodGuyGreg

Gets a nude pics from a drunk girl deletes them instantly and tells no one

Gets a nude pics from a drunk girl deletes them instantly and tells no one  GoodGuyGreg

REPOSTS So new redditors can see good old posts

REPOSTS So new redditors can see good old posts  GoodGuyGreg

Knows you only met his friend once The first sentence he says to you has friend's name in it

Knows you only met his friend once The first sentence he says to you has friend's name in it  GoodGuyGreg

Borrows your car Fills it up without being asked to

Borrows your car Fills it up without being asked to  GoodGuyGreg

Livestream Is in OF SAFE COMMENTS

 Is in OF SAFE COMMENTS  GoodGuyGreg

Infrared baby camera sees through wife's yoga pants Posts Pictures on Reddit

Infrared baby camera sees through wife's yoga pants Posts Pictures on Reddit  GoodGuyGreg

Never talks about his religious beliefs Doesn't have religious beliefs

Never talks about his religious beliefs Doesn't have religious beliefs  GoodGuyGreg

realizes he is sick doesn't go to class and get everyone else sick

realizes he is sick doesn't go to class and get everyone else sick  GoodGuyGreg
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