Hipster Barista

Doesn't eat vegetables because they are fertilized by animals

Doesn't eat vegetables  because they are fertilized by animals  Hipster Barista

Dick Clark PAssed Away Oh, you mean richard?

Dick Clark PAssed Away Oh, you mean richard?  Hipster Barista

Realizes popularity of hipster barista meme "I do find it discouraging and disappointing that there was so much exposure brought to an attempt at making a joke of a culinary industry and the professional barista."

Realizes popularity of hipster barista meme

Judges people for overspending buys $2000 dollar mac

Judges people for overspending buys $2000 dollar mac  Hipster Barista

tells clients not to use adobe flash blew entire budget making something move across screen in html5

tells clients not to use adobe flash blew entire budget making something move across screen in html5  Hipster Barista

wears scarf during summer he was cold before it was cool

wears scarf during summer he was cold before it was cool  Hipster Barista

Notices Kony 2012 on facebook "I knew about Kony before it was cool"

Notices Kony 2012 on facebook

I played league of legends before it was mainstream

I played
 league of legends before it was mainstream  Hipster Barista

Only asks you whether you know a band... "That's their worst song" So you answer that you only know their hit single

Only asks you whether you know a band...

the best part of eating sushi is other people seeing you eat sushi

the best part of eating sushi is other people seeing you eat sushi  Hipster Barista
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