Hipster Jaedong

I used tactics Before they were special

I used tactics Before they were special  Hipster Jaedong

I was underground before lair tech

I was underground before lair tech  Hipster Jaedong

stay calm, i put zero effort to make this hydra action

stay calm, i put zero effort to make this hydra action  Hipster Jaedong

Glasses? I was wearing them before they were cool

Glasses? I was wearing them before they were cool  Hipster Jaedong

SC2? i only play old school games

SC2? i only play old school games  Hipster Jaedong

Queens? I was using them before they were cool.

Queens? I was using them before they were cool.  Hipster Jaedong

Constipated zerg? I only eat organic protoss

Constipated zerg? I only eat organic protoss  Hipster Jaedong

Gamer tag? Real progamers use Real names

Gamer tag? Real progamers use Real names  Hipster Jaedong

Zerglings? I made them before they were cool

Zerglings? I made them before they were cool  Hipster Jaedong

ZvZ? I olay only JvZ

ZvZ? I olay only JvZ  Hipster Jaedong
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