Hivemind bee

downvote change to upvote edit: "fuck the hivemind for downvoting me"

downvote change to upvote edit:

Upvotes own post Downvotes Own Post Looks at comments

Upvotes own post Downvotes Own Post Looks at comments  Hivemind bee

what a cute bee! Anaphylaxis think i'll name him

what a cute bee! Anaphylaxis think i'll name him  Hivemind bee

reads twilight, thinks it's shit. nope. it's still shit. notices all friends love twilight.

reads twilight, thinks it's shit. nope. it's still shit. notices all friends love twilight.  Hivemind bee

Faps to Scarjo's nude pictures, sent to four friends Guys, this is an invasion of her privacy!

Faps to Scarjo's nude pictures, sent to four friends Guys, this is an invasion of her privacy!   Hivemind bee

Can't be bothered to read the article Now disagrees Opens comments

Can't be bothered to read the article Now disagrees Opens comments  Hivemind bee

Upvotes meme then upvotes rant about overuse of the meme

Upvotes meme then upvotes rant about overuse of the meme   Hivemind bee

Agrees with posts complaining about birthday karma whores Spends an hour trying to figure out what will keep him from looking like a birthday karma whore Realizes it's his first Reddit Birthday

Agrees with posts complaining about birthday karma whores Spends an hour trying to figure out what will keep him from looking like a birthday karma whore Realizes it's his first Reddit Birthday  Hivemind bee

Doesn't like iPhones, loves her phone throws away old phone, buys an iphone All friends get iphone

Doesn't like iPhones, loves her phone throws away old phone, buys an iphone All friends get iphone  Hivemind bee

Accepts herd immunity as fact

Accepts herd immunity  as fact  Hivemind bee
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