Late 90s kid advantages

Turned to any kids channel Good show on.

Turned to any kids channel Good show on.   Late 90s kid advantages

Ball drops for y2k society didn't collapse

Ball drops for y2k society didn't collapse  Late 90s kid advantages

took pocket knives to school and on airplanes didn't get suspended or arrested

took pocket knives to school and on airplanes  didn't get suspended or arrested  Late 90s kid advantages

Watched Cartoon network Was not total shit

Watched Cartoon network Was not total shit  Late 90s kid advantages

Went to the mall Got the latest CD single at Sam Goody

Went to the mall Got the latest CD single at Sam Goody  Late 90s kid advantages

Goes to New York City see's the world trade center

Goes to New York City see's the world trade center  Late 90s kid advantages

Didn't waste 12 hours a day on reddit

Didn't waste 12 hours a day on reddit  Late 90s kid advantages

Came out in middle school I only got beat up once!

Came out in middle school I only got beat up once!  Late 90s kid advantages

Watched TLC Actually Learned something

Watched TLC Actually Learned something  Late 90s kid advantages

Drew up plans to napalm bomb the high school with materials found in chemistry class Teacher impressed extra credit

Drew up plans to napalm bomb the high school with materials found in chemistry class Teacher impressed extra credit  Late 90s kid advantages
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