Laundry Room Viking

You will be glowing, they said Pregnancy is beautiful, they said

You will be glowing, they said Pregnancy is beautiful, they said  Laundry Room Viking

Introduce Memes to Facebook they said sorority girls won't mess them up they said

Introduce Memes to Facebook they said sorority girls won't mess them up they said  Laundry Room Viking

Obama will be good for civil liberties, they said He will be transparent, they said

Obama will be good for civil liberties, they said He will be transparent, they said  Laundry Room Viking

Vanier is safe they said Its a decent place to live they said

Vanier is safe they said  Its a decent place to live they said  Laundry Room Viking

Put these chocolate shavings on your ice cream, they said Ducolax is just another name for Hershey, they said

Put these chocolate shavings on your ice cream, they said Ducolax is just another name for Hershey, they said  Laundry Room Viking

Study Law They Said It will be fun they said

Study Law They Said It will be fun they said  Laundry Room Viking

Post memes to reddit they said everyone will think you're funny they said

Post memes to reddit they said everyone will think you're funny they said  Laundry Room Viking

follow our religion, they said It will show you the way, they said

follow our religion, they said It will show you the way,
they said  Laundry Room Viking

Use Ruby on Rails they said It's stable across all platforms they said

Use Ruby on Rails they said It's stable across all platforms they said  Laundry Room Viking

Rush sigep they said there'll be no hazing they said

Rush sigep they said there'll be no hazing they said  Laundry Room Viking
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