Lazy College Senior

Stays up late on reddit Guesses he's not going to class tomorrow

Stays up late on reddit Guesses he's not going to class tomorrow  Lazy College Senior

Fuck it I'll graduate when I'm dead

Fuck it I'll graduate when I'm dead  Lazy College Senior

Bar too full to make it to the bathroom Puke in empty pitcher

Bar too full to make it to the bathroom Puke in empty pitcher  Lazy College Senior

smokes every day 4.0

smokes every day 4.0  Lazy College Senior

Drinks bitch candy Dies

Drinks bitch candy Dies  Lazy College Senior

All homework accepted till day of final? do one

All homework accepted till day of final? do one  Lazy College Senior

Can't wait to graduate high school and be with "mature people" in college Hangs out with freshman girls

Can't wait to graduate high school and be with

Essay due at 11 am friday Go to Ted's Thursday night and write essay at 10am friday

Essay due at 11 am friday Go to Ted's Thursday night and write essay at 10am friday  Lazy College Senior

Heads: Go to class, Tails: Stay home Keep flipping until tails

Heads: Go to class, Tails: Stay home Keep flipping until tails  Lazy College Senior

downloads powerpoints time for a break Caption 3 goes here

downloads powerpoints time for a break Caption 3 goes here  Lazy College Senior
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