Mass Effect 3 Ending

Humans are last race to discover Citadel Whole galaxy speaks English

Humans are last race to discover Citadel Whole galaxy speaks English  Mass Effect 3 Ending

Plays game multiple times to see outcomes of different choices Refuses to shoot mordin in the back in any save file

Plays game multiple times to see outcomes of different choices Refuses to shoot mordin in the back in any save file  Mass Effect 3 Ending

For the love of god let garrus and liara live

For the love of god let garrus and liara live  Mass Effect 3 Ending

i have no idea what they were thinking its more like the greatness of the series make the ending look shittier than it actually is

i have no idea what they were thinking
 its more like the greatness of the series make the ending look shittier than it actually is
  Mass Effect 3 Ending

Specialist Traynor is a lesbian?

Specialist Traynor is a lesbian?  Mass Effect 3 Ending

Lots of speculation from everyone lock down the forums

Lots of speculation from everyone lock down the forums  Mass Effect 3 Ending

wtf does space magic have to do with me3? nothing and everything

wtf does space magic have to do with me3? nothing and everything  Mass Effect 3 Ending

Wut the fuck just happen

 Wut the fuck just happen  Mass Effect 3 Ending

80 seconds of gameplay 7 minute long cutscene

80 seconds of gameplay 7 minute long cutscene  Mass Effect 3 Ending

Shepard you die in the end huh???

Shepard you die in the end huh???  Mass Effect 3 Ending
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