Mature College Senior

got phd in economics The economy is failing

got phd in economics The economy is failing  Mature College Senior

despite the years passed still hated for having alcohol banned on campus

despite the years passed still hated for having alcohol banned on campus  Mature College Senior

Keep smiling buddy Your student loan interest rates just doubled.

Keep smiling buddy Your student loan interest rates just doubled.  Mature College Senior

sees freshmen smoking weed reports them to campus police

sees freshmen smoking weed reports them to campus police  Mature College Senior

graduates this month

graduates this month   Mature College Senior

graduates this month thinks he'll find a job

graduates this month thinks he'll find a job  Mature College Senior

150 credit hours and passed cpa exam still works for a helpdesk

150 credit hours and passed cpa exam still works for a helpdesk  Mature College Senior

Graduates after next semester $88,000 in debt and unemployed

Graduates after next semester
 $88,000 in debt and unemployed  Mature College Senior

The only college senior Virgin

The only college senior Virgin  Mature College Senior

luisterd 3kb zet 't op z'n bb

luisterd 3kb zet 't op z'n bb  Mature College Senior
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