Mayhem Female Driver

5 minutes to destination 15 to park

5 minutes to destination 15 to park  Mayhem Female Driver

Cuts you off when you're the only car on the road Drives 5 under the speed limit.

Cuts you off when you're the only car on the road Drives 5 under the speed limit.  Mayhem Female Driver

bike passes her call police and report reckless driving

bike passes her call police and report reckless driving  Mayhem Female Driver

light turns yellow slams on brakes

light turns yellow slams on brakes  Mayhem Female Driver

Mad that insurance rates are higher for females now texts all her facebook friends while driving

Mad that insurance rates are higher for females now texts all her facebook friends while driving  Mayhem Female Driver

Comes to 4 way stop OMG what do I do

Comes to 4 way stop OMG what do I do  Mayhem Female Driver

Female Driver Justice of the mudda fuckin road

Female Driver Justice of the mudda fuckin road  Mayhem Female Driver

Tailgates until you can move over never passes

Tailgates until you can move over never passes  Mayhem Female Driver

menstruation attracts bears leads bears into neighborhood

menstruation attracts bears
 leads bears into neighborhood  Mayhem Female Driver

Can't find a parking spot Accelerates into store window

Can't find a parking spot
 Accelerates into store window  Mayhem Female Driver
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