Middle-aged nontraditional college student

Within the first 5 minutes of class "I have a Kid"

Within the first 5 minutes of class


 REMEMBER THE BLONDE CHICK FROM SCRUBS?  Middle-aged nontraditional college student

spent her early 20s getting gangbanged in a drug fueled haze criticizes classmates for coming to class hungover

spent her early 20s getting gangbanged in a drug fueled haze criticizes classmates for coming to class hungover   Middle-aged nontraditional college student

Uses Handicapped Door Button To stroll in with wheelie backpack

Uses Handicapped Door Button To stroll in with wheelie backpack  Middle-aged nontraditional college student

You ask a question in class She answers as if it was directed at her

You ask a question in class She answers as if it was directed at her  Middle-aged nontraditional college student

"sorry for being late, my kids blah blah blah..." nobody asked why she was late

Takes notes on ipad keeps the keyboard *click* sound on

Takes notes on ipad keeps the keyboard *click* sound on  Middle-aged nontraditional college student

Friend e-mails her this meme Clogs page with boring retorts.

Friend e-mails her this meme Clogs page with boring retorts.  Middle-aged nontraditional college student

Raises hand to ask question restates everything prof just said to show she gets it

Raises hand to ask question restates everything prof just said to show she gets it  Middle-aged nontraditional college student

Studies much harder than you gets much lower grade

Studies much harder than you gets much lower grade  Middle-aged nontraditional college student
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