Misunderstood D-Bag

takes steroids to recover from serious leg injury

takes steroids to recover from serious leg injury  Misunderstood D-Bag

Didn't wish mother a "Happy mother's day" celebrated it two months ago

Didn't wish mother a

name is jay isn't short for anything

name is jay isn't short for anything  Misunderstood D-Bag

Something scumbag steve does Something Good Guy Greg does

Something scumbag steve does Something Good Guy Greg does  Misunderstood D-Bag

Lists facebook friends as siblings Was in the foster care system

Lists facebook friends as siblings Was in the foster care system  Misunderstood D-Bag

Has a van with 9 stick figure kids on it Runs a foster home and remembers every kid that has been with them

Has a van with 9 stick figure kids on it Runs a foster home and remembers every kid that has been with them  Misunderstood D-Bag

Plays guitar constantly Practicing

Plays guitar constantly Practicing  Misunderstood D-Bag

speeds up when you try to pass him didn't realize he was going too slow

speeds up when you try to pass him didn't realize he was going too slow  Misunderstood D-Bag

Obsessed with tits, boobies and hooters Birdwatcher

Obsessed with tits, boobies and hooters Birdwatcher  Misunderstood D-Bag

Is on top of passed out girl Trying to resuscitate her

Is on top of passed out girl Trying to resuscitate her  Misunderstood D-Bag
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