OCD Otter

It's not clean Until it's OCD clean

It's not clean Until it's OCD clean  OCD Otter

Wallet is full Collects rupees anyway

Wallet is full Collects rupees anyway  OCD Otter

OCD Otter doesn't look properly centered

 OCD Otter doesn't look properly centered  OCD Otter

makes poster for #occupy protest spends 2 hours drawing a bubble letter "r"

makes poster for #occupy protest spends 2 hours drawing a bubble letter

Plays Risk Adjusts opponent's pieces every turn

Plays Risk Adjusts opponent's pieces every turn  OCD Otter

Throws one grenade playing zombies Buys entire refill

Throws one grenade playing zombies Buys entire refill  OCD Otter

can read text in thumbnail click link anyway so it turns purple like the rest

can read text in thumbnail click link anyway so it turns purple like the rest  OCD Otter

"That'll be ten dollars even" Best. Day. Ever.

must turn light switch on and off 306 times each night or my family will die

must turn light switch on and off 306 times each night or my family will die  OCD Otter

Car volume only odd numbers. guess i don't need music

Car volume only odd numbers. guess i don't need music  OCD Otter
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