Old Economy Steven

paid minimum wage can afford gas and food

paid minimum wage can afford gas and food  Old Economy Steven

Spends his disposable time and income at the record store

Spends his disposable time and income at the record store  Old Economy Steven

Them: Sex, drugs, and rock & roll. Us: AIDS, "Just Say No" and Justin Bieber.

Them: Sex, drugs, and rock & roll. Us: AIDS,

Refers to non-silver, post-1964 dimes and quarters as "Scrap Metal"

Refers to non-silver, post-1964 dimes and quarters as

Hates people who don't work for a living lives off of interest

Hates people who don't work for a living lives off of interest  Old Economy Steven

I made it with nothing but elbow grease... and a huge inheritance.

I made it with nothing but elbow grease... and a huge inheritance.   Old Economy Steven

got loaded off grass, blow and jack daniels during the bicentennial supports zero tolerance drug policies for the millennial

got loaded off grass, blow and jack daniels during the bicentennial supports zero tolerance drug policies for the millennial  Old Economy Steven

"We're struggling to make ends meet just like you" Puts kids through 60k a year college, mortgage paid off, new car every two years, vacations once a year in Hawaii and takes two cross-country motorcycling trips a year

Offered an 80k job before graduation Going to grad school

Offered an 80k job before graduation Going to grad school  Old Economy Steven

Graduates College Can't do anything a computer or robot can't do better for less

Graduates College Can't do anything a computer or robot can't do better for less  Old Economy Steven
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