Old Economy Steven

"There is a shortage of skilled workers" Replaces high skilled American workers with cheap H-1b guest workers

if workers flipping burgers makes the bosses $50 an hour (otherwise known as billions in profits per year) then yes, most of that money should be going to the workers who are generating that value

if workers flipping burgers makes the bosses $50 an hour (otherwise known as billions in profits per year) then yes, most of that money should be going to the workers who are generating that value  Old Economy Steven

"people didn't expect the government to save them when I was young" College tuition paid by johnson's war on poverty

Against Socialized Medicine Adamant at getting medicare benefits at 67

Against Socialized Medicine Adamant at getting medicare benefits at 67  Old Economy Steven

Went to high school Had afterschool sports and activities.

Went to high school Had afterschool sports and activities.  Old Economy Steven

by age 20: smoked pot, dropped acid, snorted coke and tried opium Demands that all of his employees take drug tests

by age 20: smoked pot, dropped acid, snorted coke and tried opium Demands that all of his employees take drug tests  Old Economy Steven

Says 20 year olds are too immature to drink... "Tells them to take out $100K in student loans instead"

Says 20 year olds are too immature to drink...

two years of grad school, college professor his students? Six years of grad school, can't find a steady job

two years of grad school, college professor his students? Six years of grad school, can't find a steady job  Old Economy Steven

"You should spend more time with your parents" Gets 20 paid sick days a year

Buys a boat instead of helping you with college. Has to sell boat. I'm rich now. Fuck you.

Buys a boat instead of helping you with college. Has to sell boat.  I'm rich now.  Fuck you.  Old Economy Steven
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